Nick Barrowman

Associate Scientist, CHEO Research Institute

Nick Barrowman is a PhD biostatistician with over 20 years of experience in the design and analysis of clinical studies. He is a Senior Statistician at the Clinical Research Unit of the CHEO RI and Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Ottawa. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers in diverse fields and has also served as President of the Statistical Society of Ottawa and Statistical Consultant for the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Area of Research: Biostatistics

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Research Projects

  1. Virtual psychoeducation for improvement of pain catastrophizing in pediatric presurgical patients and caregivers: A proof-of-concept study


    Youth (n = 43) and caregivers (n = 41) attended a virtual, group-based single-session intervention (SSI). Single-session intervention content addressed pain neuroscience, PC, and adaptive coping strategies for managing pain and PC drawn from cognitive-behavioural, acceptance and commitment, and dialectical behaviour therapy approaches. Participants completed questionnaires assessing PC at preintervention, postintervention, and two weeks postsurgery. Youth mood and anxiety were assessed at preintervention.

  2. A randomized, cross-over trial comparing the effect of innovative robotic gait training and functional clinical therapy in children with cerebral palsy; a protocol to test feasibility


  3. A randomized, cross-over trial comparing the effect of innovative robotic gait training and functional clinical therapy in children with cerebral palsy: a protocol to test feasibility


    Additional advantages of robotic devices include improved efficiency, with more precise repetition of exercise being possible in an allotted time and efficient patient preparation for therapy. Typically, set up with more traditional gait training approaches can be cumbersome and time-consuming [8]. Although preliminary pediatric and adult data for large tethered robotic training devices such as the Lokomat© appear promising, these devices limit functional use and exploration within a more natural environment. Mobile robotic gait trainers hold greater promise for practice within hospitals, schools and at home as they enable participation and social integration [13] while practicing high quality gait patterns.

  4. Circadian cortisol secretion in adolescent girls with conduct disorder


    This study advanced our knowledge about girls with severe antisocial behavior, discovering that lower circadian cortisol secretion is present in girls with CD, but largely due to decreased volume of cortisol secretion between awakening and 30-minutes post-awakening time. Comorbid internalizing disorders were not associated with differences in circadian secretion of cortisol, compared to girls with only CD.

  5. Is early activity resumption after paediatric concussion safe and does it reduce symptom burden at 2 weeks post injury? The Pediatric Concussion Assessment of Rest and Exertion (PedCARE) multicentre randomised clinical trial.


    PA is a promising concussion treatment. Post-concussion symptoms at 2weeks did not differ significantly between children/ youth with acute concussion randomised to initiate PA at 72 hours post injury versus those instructed to rest-until-asymptomatic.