Claudia Malic

Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

Dr. Claudia Malic received her medical degree from University Gr. T. Popa, Iasi, Romania in 1998, completed her Basic Surgical Training in United Kingdom in 2005, her specialist training in plastic surgery in South West Deanery, United Kingdom in 2014 and three fellowships (Trauma Reconstruction, Birmingham, UK, 2012, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Vancouver, Canada, 2013, Total Burn Care, Toronto, Canada 2014). She also completed a research degree of Doctorate of Medicine (2011) with University of Leeds, United Kingdom in Health Informatics and finished ICES Faculty Scholar Program (2019). She started her pediatric plastic surgery practice in 2014 at CHEO.
Dr. Malic is now the Head of Research for the Division of Plastic Surgery, the lead for the QI perioperative program and NSQIP surgeon champion at CHEO. Dr. Malic was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2020 with the University of Ottawa. Dr. Malic’s research interests are in improving outcomes for surgical patients especially in cleft and burn pathology using large administrative database, QI and KT methodology. She is member of several international societies committees and also member of the REB CHEO RI committee. Dr. Malic is also an investigator on studies on pain management, opioid patterns of prescriptions and discharge instructions for surgical patients.

Research Projects

  1. A pediatric virtual care evaluation framework and its evolution using consensus methods


    The use of virtual care has increased dramatically in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, yet evidence is lacking regarding the impact of virtual care on patient outcomes, particularly in pediatrics. A standardized evaluation approach is required to support the integration of virtual care into pediatric health care delivery programs. The objective of this work was to develop a comprehensive and structured framework for pediatric virtual care evaluation. This framework is intended to engage and guide care providers, health centres, and stakeholders towards the development of a standardized approach to the evaluation of pediatric virtual care.

  2. Outcomes After Flexor Tendon Injuries in the Pediatric Population: A 10-Year Retrospective Review


    Pediatric tendon injuries have good outcomes with no predictive factors identified. Surgical repairs performed under local anesthetic have similar outcomes without increased rates of complications, but remain underused in the pediatric population.

  3. Incidence, Risk Factors, and Mortality Associated With Orofacial Cleft Among Children in Ontario, Canada


    These findings suggest that despite decreasing incidence of OFC, children with OFC should be monitored closely for adverse health outcomes.