Richard Webster

Investigator, CHEO Research Institute

Dr. Richard Webster is the Scientific Director of the Clinical Research Unit (CRU) at the CHEO Research Institute. Dr. Webster oversees the scientific integrity and innovation for the CRU (a biostatistical, epidemiology and qualitative research consulting team of 19 methodologists).

He is a member of several hospital and research institute committees; SALT (Scientific Advisory Leadership Team), Core Leadership Committee, chAI (CHEO AI) working group, Data Driven Discovery team, CRU Strategy Team,  CHEO Green Steering Committee and several DSMBs (Data Safety Monitoring Boards).

External to CHEO, Dr. Webster supports:

Dr. Webster co-founded CHEO’s climate action strategic pillar ‘CHEO Kick the Carbon’ and has built a research program focused on healthcare carbon footprinting and reducing healthcare’s carbon emissions. As of April 2024 he has secured research funding for $13M+ as a PI or co-investigator.

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Research Projects

  1. Real-time detection of neonatal seizures improves with on demand EEG interpretation


    Combining aEEG with on-demand cEEG interpretation improved accurate seizure detection in a high-risk NICU population, with the potential to avoid over-treatment.

  2. Development and validation of a Fast Spine Protocol for Use in Paediatric Patients


    This study demonstrates that selected spinal imaging sequences allows for consistent and accurate diagnosis of specific clinical conditions. A limited spine protocol reduces acquisition time, potentially avoiding sedation. Further work is needed to determine the utility of selected imaging for other clinical indications.

  3. Nasopharyngeal swabs vs. saliva sampling for SARS-CoV-2 detection: A cross-sectional survey of acceptability for caregivers and children after experiencing both methods


    Though most youth find saliva sampling painless and prefer it to nasopharyngeal swabs, primary decision makers present for the experience generally remain accepting of both methods for COVID-19 testing.

  4. Incidence of chronic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases after diagnosis with Kawasaki disease: a population-based cohort study


  5. Protecting human health in a time of climate change: how Cochrane should respond
