PI: Dr. David Mack
Study contact: [email protected]
Study contact full name: Ruth Singleton
Research Area: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
(Gastrointestinal Conditions)
Who to contact regarding participating: [email protected]
Lay Summary: The PROMOTE study is being done to find out whether better gut (intestinal microbiome) health will reduce the need for greater amounts of your anti-TNFα medications to stay well. To understand this, a plant-based food component (resistant starch) individually optimized for gut health will undergo evaluation. To find out if there is benefit to using resistant starch (RS), some of the participants in this study will get RS, and others will receive a placebo. A placebo is a substance that looks like the study RS but does not have any effect on your CD or the intestinal bacteria. This study does not change the CD medication your doctor has prescribed to treat your CD.